Frequently asked questions

Q: My child would like to play basketball. Where do I start?

There are multiple pathways to get started in basketball. We have age-appropriate beginner’s programs like AUSSIE HOOPS and DOMESTIC DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY for kids who want to learn the basics and build confidence on court or our JUNIOR DOMESTIC COMPETITION if they’re keen to get straight into playing and training with a team. You can read all about how to get started in basketball HERE.

Q: My team needs to forfeit, what should I do?

Junior teams need to let their club know – who will then get in touch with the WBA.

For senior teams, we ask that you provide at least 24 hours’ notice, preferably by emailing or calling 9742 5440 (this allows staff time to alert the opposition and cancel referees. When 24 hours’ notice is given, the normal team sheet fee will apply. Failure to provide 24 hours’ notice will result in a forfeit fee of your team sheet and your opponents’ team sheet fee will apply. This covers the cost of the court hire and the referees.

Q: I used to play as a kid and would like to get back into it – how do I join a senior team?

We love to hear from former players wanting to get back into our great game. The best way to join a senior team as an individual is to CLICK HERE and fill in the form!

Submitting this form will add you to our player waiting list which is sent to all of our senior teams. In addition, we have had a number of people join teams simply by coming down on a competition evening and asking the competition office if anyone is looking for a fill in (there is almost always a team looking for an extra player).

Q: How does my child join to a junior team?

To play for a team in our competition, you will need to join one of our Domestic clubs. Our Domestic clubs are all based in the suburbs of Wyndham and run independently and are affiliated with Wyndham Basketball. The best thing to do is contact 2 or 3 clubs nearest to where you live.

When making contact, provide them with

-Your child’s date of birth

– Advise that they are a beginner

– Ask what nights a week they usually train?

– What venues do they train at?

– Ask about fees and uniform costs, because they do vary from club to club.

The contacts for all of our clubs can be found HERE.

Q: What is Aussie Hoops?

Aussie Hoops is a national introductory program to basketball, perfect for children aged 5-10 who have never played basketball before. For many participants, it is their first taste of any organised sport. The program is designed to help young kids gain confidence, learn the basics and enjoy the game. You can read more about Aussie Hoops HERE

Q: My child wants to improve their game – what can we do?

We offer a number of PROGRAMS for a whole range of ability. Beginners will learn the basics at AUSSIE HOOPS, domestic players can improve at DOMESTIC DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY , all representative players can develop further at SMALL GROUP WORKOUTS and the best of our representative players can strive to further their playing careers through THE WEST. To read about which program suits you best, CLICK HERE

Q: What is the player pathway at Wyndham Basketball?

Wyndham Basketball offers the opportunity for players to progress from grassroots programs through to domestic basketball and then into state wide representative basketball competitions. The junior representative teams play in the VJBL and the senior representative teams play in the Big V competition. In addition to the core programs, Wyndham  Basketball also offers a number of camps and development programs to help players progress to higher levels in the pathway.

The “Wyndham Way” Curriculum is Wyndham Basketball’s club curriculum, which ensures there is consistency of what is taught throughout the rep program. The “Wyndham Way” curriculum aligns with directives set by Basketball Victoria and Basketball Australia so that our athletes have the best opportunity to progress to higher level programs.

Q: How do I become a referee?

All the information about our referee program can be found HERE. For all general refereeing enquiries and to find out when the next referee training course is on, email

Q: What is representative basketball?

Representative basketball allows athletes to play in the biggest junior basketball league in the country (VJBL) and has been a key pathway for many of Australia’s best players including Ben Simmons, Dante Exum (here at Wyndham!), Liz Cambage, Andrew Bogut, Michelle Timms and Andrew Gaze. It also exposes athletes to a higher standard of competition and a higher standard of coaching. You can read more about our representative program HERE.

Q: What competition does your elite team play in?

Our elite teams play in the Big V competition. We have four teams in this competition, senior men and women’s teams and youth men and women’s teams. Big V is the third tier of basketball in the country, below the NBL/WNBL and the newly formed NBL1. In the 2019 season both our senior men and women will compete in the Championship division. Read more about our Big V program HERE.

Q: When are your representative tryouts?

The exact dates may vary year to year but tryouts are generally during October.

Q: I have a question about my basketball fees

If you have an enquiry about your domestic club fees you will need to speak to the club themselves, as they all run completely independently to the WBA. For all enquiries about representative fees you are best to email

Q: How do I organise my child’s uniform?

This depends on which uniform you are organising. If it is your domestic uniform, you will need to speak to your club directly as the WBA does not handle any domestic uniform orders. For VJBL representative uniforms you can contact our office with specific enquiries or check in with the uniform shop, which is open on some Sundays during training times.

Q: How do I become more involved in my child’s basketball team?

Wyndham Basketball and all of our domestic clubs are always on the lookout for volunteers, team managers and coaches. If you’re interested in coaching you can read more about how to get involved HERE or if you’d simply like to help out contact your domestic club or the association by email

Q: I was injured during a game, what should I do?

Unfortunately, injuries do happen in basketball from time to time. The best course of action is to fill in THIS Basketball Victoria Personal Injury Claim Form and sent it to There is a section that Wyndham Basketball will need to fill in so you can EMAIL US or bring it into the office to be completed, prior to you sending it on. If you have any enquires about the claim form, you will need to contact Basketball Victoria for further policy details.

Q: What is your heat policy?

Our heat policy is aligned with Basketball Victoria’s. It must be implemented once the temperature hits 35 degrees on court (inside) and games are abandoned once it is 40 degrees on court. You can read the full policy HERE.

Q: Do you have lost property?

Yes. You can check for lost items with our competition office after hours, or the customer service office during office hours. Stadium management WLS also has a lost property, so you can also ask at their reception desk.

Q: Who manages the stadium

Eagle Stadium is managed by a private company called Western Leisure Services (WLS). Wyndham Basketball is a tenant of the stadium, we book courts through WLS and abide by their stadium rules.                                                                                                                          

Q: Do you run holiday camps?

We do. We run a number of holiday camps every school holidays for junior basketballers of all ages and abilities. CLICK HERE to read about our upcoming camps.

Q: What is 3×3 Hustle? 

3×3 Hustle is the excited revolution taking the basketball world. The NBL run 3×3 Hustle tournaments across Victoria and Australia and as a franchise Wyndham Basketball enters a number of these tournaments. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming tournaments. Find out more about 3×3 HERE or on their website HERE.

 Q: Where are the WBA offices?

The WBA offices are located at Eagle Stadium (35 Ballan Rd, Werribee). Our Customer Service office is located in the hallway opposite Court 5 and the Competition Office is further down the hallway opposite court 6.

Q: I have an issue, who should I contact?

If you’re playing junior domestic basketball, the best place to raise any issues is with your club delegates. The club delegates are best placed to deal with issues within your team or within your club and can also escalate issues to the WBA in an appropriate manner when required. For all other enquires, whether it’s referees, VJBL rep or Senior domestic, check out our CONTACT US page.