Junior Competition:
Players must participate in 50% + 1 games in the Regular season to qualify for finals.
It is the responsibility of the player’s parent/guardian and domestic club to ensure all player’s names are legible and spelt correctly on the scoresheet.
Senior Competition:
Players must participate in 1/3 of the Regular season matches to qualify for finals.
For the Senior Domestic Competition, it is the responsibility of the Player and Team Delegate to ensure all player’s names are legible and spelt correctly on the scoresheet.
Extract from WBA Bylaws;
a. For a Junior player to be eligible to play in the Finals, he / she must have played in at least half plus one of the scheduled games for the team concerned. A junior player is deemed to have played if they have been ticked off on the scoresheet/electronic scoring by the opposition scorer as being present and taking the court.
b. Senior Players must have played in one third (1/3) of the scheduled games for their particular team.
i. A senior player is deemed to have played if they have been ticked off on the scoresheet/electronic scoring by the opposition scorer as being present and taking the court.
c. For the purposes of eligibility to play in Finals, byes and forfeits received count towards a Players season game count, provided the player has been recorded as playing as per rule 8(a) or 8(b) in the game immediately prior to or after that round.
d. Consideration will be given by the Competition and Program Manager and the Domestic Chairperson in regards to finals eligibility if a player is sick or injured throughout the season, special circumstances, trying out for, training for, or playing for a State or National Representative basketball Team/Program. Proof will be required to be presented to the Competition and Program Manager and Domestic Chairperson.
e. Adding Players’ names to finals score sheet/electronic scoresheet that have not qualified will activate infringement penalty 12(f).