Gender inclusion initiatives

Gender Inclusion Sub-Committee  

In 2020 the WBA engaged Victoria University to undertake research and prepare a report on Gender Inclusion in domestic and representative basketball at Wyndham. Following this the WBA Executive established a sub-committee on this topic. The sub-committee has decided its first priority is to address the hostile culture that exists and develop a behavioural campaign to promote awareness of both positive and unwanted negative behaviour. The sub-committee believe it is vital to gather real life Wyndham Basketball experiences that can be used as part of the campaign. We are therefore reaching out to members of the basketball community to share their experiences of positive and negative behaviour that will help our creative writers develop stories for the campaign.

The format for providing input is to partake in an interviewed with one of our creative writers.

To get involved, or let us know about your experience, contact us by sending an email with the subject “Gender Inclusion sub-committee”

Gender Inclusion Program

Through the support of WBA and Victoria University, Sophie Brynes has developed a Gender Inclusion Program that aims to create, implement, and evaluate gender equitable strategies within our WBA affiliated domestic clubs.

To conduct this project, she seeks assistance from domestic coaches to volunteer their time and be a part of this action-based change. Particularly, aiming for one coach per domestic club to volunteer enabling the program to cover the entire WBA domestic competition.

Volunteers will be required to attend six collaborative group sessions over a span of 4 months, involving creating evidence-based strategies to be implemented and evaluated. This is a wonderful opportunity to work together and promote our domestic clubs and Wyndham Basketball Association as inclusive spaces for women and girls.

To get involved or find out more please email your interest to and include your name and your Domestic Club.